Within Origin Fruit Group, we are constantly working to optimise operations. Can it be more efficient? Can we raise quality further? And how do we guarantee ever-higher food safety requirements? That is why we meticulously monitor the process from cultivation to the moment of delivery at the point of sale. Controls are built into every intermediate station to produce more efficiently, with higher quality and safety.
Value chain

With its own branches in the main production countries, the lines of communication with growers are short.
Periodic visits provide insight into the status of cultivation, cultivation method and logistics, up to the transport phase. Once at the port of departure, sea containers are escorted to leave nothing to chance. Via tracking and tracing, the state of a consignment is transparent 24/7. Upon arrival at the ports in Rotterdam and Shanghai, another check for quality and the correctness of the cargo follows. Controls that are also in place at the processing and packaging stage. So that you and we can be sure that fruit arrives at its destination in optimum condition.